

Saturday March 10th 2007, 7pm. That is the date and time that you will get the chance to a whole host of people from Heroes in The Museam of Television & Radio in Los Angeles at the 24th Annual William S. Paley Television Festival. If you are in the area at the time, I would reccommend getting tickets and going to see them, it should be quite good, looking at the people who are going to be there. The following is a list of all who should be attending.

Allan Arkush – Director
Santiago Cabrera – Isaac Mendez
Jack Coleman – Mr Bennet
Tawny Cypress – Simone Deveaux
Noah Gray-Cabey – Micah
Greg Grunberg – Matt Parkman
Dennis Hammer – Executive Producer
Tim Kring – Writer
Ali Larter – Niki/Jessica Sanders
Masi Oka – Hiro Nakamura
Hayden Panettiere – Claire Bennet
Adrian Pasdar – Nathan Petrelli
Sendhil Ramamurthy – Mohinder Suresh
Leonard Roberts – D.L. Hawkins
Milo Ventimiglia – Peter Petrelli

Visit for ticket and date information.

(9th Wonders)


Milo Ventimiglia

Milo Ventimiglia has been featured in the Cardoza Player where he talked about Heroes, Rocky and more.

What at tracted you to Heroes? On the surface, a story about cartoon character superheroes does not necessarily sound like a winner.
Well that’s the thing though. It was called Heroes, not Superheroes. Tim King had written this wonderful piece about human beings going through a change that was affecting their lives; being presented with abilities that were fearful and exhilarating. It’s like, what would you do if you had the opportunity to fly or the ability to fly? Or if you could read people’s thoughts? You could use it for good or you could use it for bad. So he had written this fantastic character study, the foundation of which is just the human element, the human perspective of what would you do? You have a very real world and then you have these unrealistic happenings that make it special.

View the rest of the article here.


Meredith Fire

Here is the episode write-up for episode 13 of Heroes, called ‘The Fix’. Make the jump to read the full write-up.


Greg Beeman has updated his blog after the recent Godsend episode, here is a snippet, and some production pictures.

Twelve is where we restart our story. I think we left the audience with a pretty satisfying cliffhanger in December… Peter dreams he is the bomb that will destroy Manhattan. Eden is dead. Sylar has been captured. The Haitian is protecting Claire who knows her father has mind wiped her family and now she has to pretend she’s been mind wiped too. Niki has turned herself in to the police for the murder of Linderman’s men in episode 1. Hiro has lost his powers and has met Isaac who paints a future (or is it the past???) in which Hiro battles a dinosaur with a sword!

Here are some production photos from his blog. Click the thumbs to view them full sized.

Read the full post Here.


Kristin has released some spoilers for upcoming episodes of Heroes, to view them, make the jump below.
