
Exploding Man

Priest and Damien informed me that the new catchphrase could be ‘How do you stop an exploding man?’ It fits, and it’s amazing how obvious it was, I feel stupid. 🙂


Greg Beeman has updated his blog with a post on The Fix, the last episode that aired. Here is a snippet.

For instance the entire Hiro storyline was shot in the parking garage where our crew parks. We dropped a huge blue screen for one angle and we matted in an NYC city street in the background. It was kind of a pain in the butt because we had to park the crew 2 blocks away and shuttle them in that day. I thought the director and the Stargate VFX team did a good job of putting it together… Especially the shot which dollys with Hiro and Ando as they walk away from the ticket booth and tilts them up the stairs.

View the rest of the post here.

Here are the pictures that were posted on it.


Time Magazine

Ask Ausiello has released some new Heroes spoilers for the coming weeks of Heroes. To view the wonderful information, click more.



Kristin has released some spoilers for the coming weeks in Heroes, to view them, click more.

Remember, they are spoilers, you have been warned.


I’ve been a bit slow today, here is the promo clip for episode 14, called Distractions.


Meredith Fire

Here is the episode write-up for episode 13 of Heroes, called ‘The Fix’. Make the jump to read the full write-up.


Here is another promo for The Fix, which airs tomorrow.


NBC has released the official write-up for Episode 15 of Season 1, which is called ‘Run’.

Click more to read the write-up. There may be spoilers below.


Zach & Claire

Here are some spoilers regarding upcoming episodes of Heroes. They are from Ausiello, and they are to do with a death, and someone is going to be leaving. Make the jump to read the full article.



I’ve been looking over a few promo images for future episodes, and I found out two very cool pieces of information, one is set in stone, another is an interesting picture that will get people thinking.

Make the jump to view this exclusive scoop.


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